SBIR Phase II Award Announcement

Nonlinear Control Strategies, Inc. announces it has been selected by AFWERX for an SBIR Phase II Contract in the amount of $749,993 focused on Predictive Modeling of Emerging Nonlinear Functional Materials. Nonlinear’s new software product development, Simulase_TMDC, an adaptation of the company’s successful semiconductor epitaxy modeling software, has the goal of investigating its potential to […]

STTR Phase I Award Announcement

Nonlinear Control Strategies, Inc. was announced winner of a STTR award from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research to develop physics-based models for mid-IR Bismides semiconductor lasers, contract No. FA9550-16-C-0021. The contract is a 24-month effort beginning on April 1. 2016.  The technical objective of Phase I is the proof of concept for […]